RENL certified Top Employer 2024
RENL, a subsidiary of the SIFCA Group based in Nigeria, has been certified ‘TOP EMPLOYER 2024’ by the Top Employers institute.
After GREL (in Ghana) and SAPH (in Côte d'Ivoire) - also subsidiaries of the SIFCA Group operating in the natural rubber sector - RENL joins the closed circle of TOP EMPLOYERS certified companies.
This distinction will enable RENL to strengthen its employer brand, particularly in terms of attractiveness, good press, visibility and even credibility of the company on the international stage (investors, clients and potential clients, etc.). It is also an opportunity for RENL to continuously improve its standards, drawing inspiration from the best HR practices in force around the world.
Top Employers Institute is an internationally recognised certification authority for excellence, certifying companies on the basis of an HR Best Practices Survey . This survey covers six (06) major HR areas divided into 20 themes such as talent management strategy, work environment, talent acquisition, training and skills development, well-being at work, and diversity and inclusion.